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Kesäinen järvimaisema saarineen korkealta kuvattuna. Image Keijo Penttinen

Extending the collection interval of a mixed waste container

Under certain conditions, the collection interval of mixed waste containers of small properties can be extended to eight (8) or twelve (12) weeks, provided the amount of mixed waste is small and recy-clable waste is sorted according to waste management regulations. No harm must be caused to the environment, and the waste container must be big enough to accommodate all waste.

Shared (Kimppa) containers may also be emptied at longer intervals when the above condi-tions are satisfied. In this case the number of occupants in each property is summed up. The same principles apply to shared containers of holiday homes.

Extending the collection interval to eight (8) weeks is possible for:

  • properties with 1-3 occupants and a 120-140 litre waste container
  • properties with 1-6 occupants and a 240 litre waste container
  • properties outside the city plan, with 1-8 occupants and a 360-660 litre waste container.

Form: Hakemus sekajätteen pidennetystä tyhjennysvälistä (Application for extending mixed waste collection interval to eight (8) weeks.) The form is only in Finnish.

Extending the collection interval to twelve (12) weeks is possible for:

  • properties with 1-2 occupants and a 120-240 litre waste container

Form: Hakemus sekajätteen pidennetystä tyhjennysvälistä (Application for extending mixed waste collection interval to twelve (12) weeks.) The form is only in Finnish.

Terminating waste collection services for a fixed period

According to the waste management regulations of the Jyväskylä region (§25), permanent residents can request termination of waste collection services for a fixed period if a property will remain unoccupied during the period in question (e.g., for medical reasons or because of a major renovation or living abroad for a certain period). If the termination lasts for less than 6 months, it can be agreed directly with Mustankorkea customer service. If a waste collection service is terminated for a longer period, an application must be submitted in writing to the waste management board. The applicant also needs to provide verifiable documentation of the reasons for which the property cannot be occupied.

Form: Jäteastian tyhjennysten keskeyttämishakemus (Application for terminating collection services for a fixed period; see Waste management permits "Jäteluvat".) The form only in Finnish.

Requesting a change to a waste fee

The waste management service fees of residential properties consist of (1) the basic fee and (2) the waste container emptying fee, or if the property is a holiday home on an island, of the waste management service fee. The waste container emptying fee cannot be adjusted or re-moved afterwards, if the emptying has been done as specified in the invoice and if the cus-tomer has not requested a change. Incorrect invoices will be corrected by Mustankorkea cus-tomer service.

The basic fee can be adjusted as outlined by the Jyväskylä Region Waste Management Board. Only premises that are deemed uninhabitable or otherwise unfit for permanent human habitation or holiday occupancy can be exempted from waste charges. The grounds for ad-justing the waste charge are laid down in the waste tariff.

The person liable to pay the waste charge has the right to notify the waste management board within 14 days following the receipt of the invoice. All adjustments need to be well grounded and charges fair and reasonable.

Form: Muutoksen hakeminen jätemaksuun (Application for changing the municipal waste charge; see Waste management permits "Jäteluvat".) The form only in Finnish.