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Kesäinen järvimaisema saarineen korkealta kuvattuna. Image Keijo Penttinen

The goal of employment trials is to more effectively promote the employment and qualifications of unemployed jobseekers and to create new solutions for the availability of skilled labour. The purpose of the trials is especially to improve the access to the labour market of the long-term unemployed and those in a weak position within the labour market. The trials are meant to develop employment support services and service models offered to jobseekers to better identify and solve clients' individual service needs, obstacles to employment, and competence development needs.

A case worker provides personal customer service

In the municipal employment trial it is essential to make services for both jobseekers and employers more personal and better able to support the clients' goals. A designated case worker is assigned to each client, who then together with the client designs the services which best fit the client’s goals. The aim is to streamline and speed up employment-related services from the client's perspective. Designated caseworkers make use of the help and services provided by various experts as part of the process.
The trial combines the resources of both the TE Office and the municipality in employment-related services. Previously, the client may have had several employees in charge of their affairs both at the TE Office and in various municipal services. Through pooling resources in the trial, the service becomes more personal and it becomes possible to adopt the designated case worker model. In the trial, the assigned case worker will handle all services related to the client's employment more comprehensively than at present. The services are being planned and developed to be customer-oriented rather than organisation-oriented.

Instead of relying on online customer service, the case workers will meet with their clients face-to-face and be fully acquainted with their client’s life situation. The designated case worker maps the client's skills, finds alternatives, and is able to direct the client to other services as needed.
Registration as a jobseeker in the employment trial
Registering as a client of the municipal trial, i.e. as an unemployed job seeker is still done normally either by registering at the TE Office of Central Finland or online via the E-services If you belong to the municipal trial target group, the TE of Central Finland will direct you to become a municipal trial client.

The clients of the Jyväskylä municipal employment trial are

  • unemployed job seekers, subsidized persons in employment and job seekers in services promoting employment who are not entitled to earnings-related unemployment allowance.
  • All under 30-year-olds regardless of whether they are paid labour market subsidy, basic unemployment allowance as per daily unemployment benefit, or earnings-related unemployment allowance.
  • All foreign language speakers and immigrants regardless of age and unemployment-related benefits.

All persons belonging to the municipal trial client group will be personally notified either via letter or phone call. You can simply wait until you are contacted. The contact information of your personal coach can be found via the TE services e-service, and you can also submit a contact request online if necessary.
The client relationship of the local government trial will last until 31 December 2024. If a client in the target group of the trial is accepted into an educational program or is employed for a fixed time period and afterwards they become unemployed again, they will be redirected to the municipal trial, even if the original grounds for their clientship are no longer met. Thus a clientship that has been commenced once will continue for the whole duration of the municipal trial, until 31 December 2024.

Työllisyyden kuntakokeilun logo. Image TE-toimisto

National services

•    Registering as a job seeker via E-services or call the telephone service for personal customers.
•    Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland)
•    Finnish Immigration Service
•    Työmarkkinatori
•    TYJ - Työttömyyskassojen Yhteisjärjestö (for unemployment grants)